Monday, August 9, 2010

Back on the blog

So this has been a whirlwind couple of weeks! Stuff of Legends is on the shelves everywhere -- I've been sent pictures of it in Las Vegas, Vancouver, hiding out among the romance novels in Seattle (apologies to anyone who picked it up from that last; Jordan the Red is regretfully past his bodice-ripping days). There have been blogs, reviews, a radio interview, and more well-wishers than I know what to do with -- except to say thank you to each and every one who's given this silly fantasy of mine a moment of time.

But now that Stuff of Legends is out there in the world, my attention is back on the sequel. I'm not quite at the point of spilling all the details, but it's coming along well. This weekend, in addition to attending a fantastic party, I spent an hour-long ferry ride re-drafting the outline of chapters five and six. Rough patches have been shaved down, the origin of a plot-significant artifact has shuffled into a later chapter, and someone almost gets eaten by a fish.

And on that pleasant image, back to work I go!


  1. Fantastic. I got my copy in the mail and my twelve year old immediately stole it. I hope to get it back soon so I can read it. :)
