"Not your average old legend."
That's Jordan the Red right there in a nutshell (or close to it; when Jordan was actually trapped in a nutshell, in the "Rotwood Saga", he was much younger. Also much angrier. A nutshell is not a pleasant place to be, and causes famously bad dreams. But I digress).
On the front of the cover, there's a quote from Publishers Weekly. "A winning fantasy...satirical, rollicking adventure."
Now, this is a quote from when the novel was reviewed for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest, last year; I'd like to think the novel has improved, through all the editing and attention it's received since then. But once again, it brings back to me how important and career-shaping that contest was for me -- my novel, whatever else may happen with it, has a Publishers Weekly review quote attached to it.
Exciting times. And now, back to work!
(Countdown: 4. Getting curious yet?)